Time Flies – Pellet Fuel Spring Buy 2023

We hope everyone is happy, healthy and warm.

This year’s Spring Buy kicks off our 10th year in business! Yes, ten years. Wow, where has the time gone? A decade ago we anxiously ventured into the business world of pellet fuel with a small garage and a box truck. We quickly realized that we were not the only ones completely frustrated with the standard process of securing pellet fuel each season…

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Wood Pellet Spring Buy 2022 – Plan ahead, fuel prices are rising rapidly

We hope everyone is happy, healthy and warm.
Let’s begin with the good news. It appears as though we’ve finally turned the corner on winter.  These random warmer days mixed in with bitter cold and blustery nights reminds us that Spring is just around the corner.  This time of year is commonly known in Eastern Pennsylvania as Pothole Season.  And that typically means that it’s time for our Annual Wood Pellet Spring Buy…

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2021 Summer Early Buy! – Sale ends Friday 6/11 at Midnight

We hope everyone is staying cool! We seem to have skipped spring and jumped straight into the middle of summer. The last thing anyone wants to think about during this heat wave is… heating fuel. But unfortunately we can’t postpone our preparation for the inevitable winter heating season. And just to complicate matters, shortages and significant price increases have already begun for wood pellets , blocks, logs and coal.

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Stock up on Pellet Fuel During Our Spring Sale

Who would’ve thought recycled sawdust could provide so much heat? And for so cheap! Wood pellet energy demand is currently on the rise in North America and those tiny little pellets are lowering tons of heating bills. The cost of heating fuel has risen dramatically and people are seeking alternative ways to warm their homes. […]

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The Hottest Gift for your Holiday Wishlist is Here

What are some things that people take for granted? Internet? Electricity? Pizza Delivery? While those are all good answers (and true), let’s delve a little deeper anyway. Think of the most basic of human needs. Shelter. Water. Family dinners. You definitely don’t need WiFi for a successful holiday meal with your loved ones. One thing […]

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5 Things To Do in Lehigh County (Pennsylvania)

Just because winter is here does not mean you have to stay indoors. Although, if you use Bucks Pellets as your provider of wood pellets around Lehigh County, PA, you do know that you will be warm and toasty from the eco-friendly energy fuels that we deliver monthly. Regardless, it’s always nice to take family […]

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